Experience the D.W. Fearn VT-5 in Your DAW with Ruby 2 from Acustica Audio

A plugin designed by Acustica Audio, Ruby 2 is a faithful representation of the D.W. Fearn VT-5 Vacuum Tube Equalizer

Ruby 2’s preamp stage dynamically recreates the pass-through sonic coloration of the original unit, which includes the harmonic distortion behavior of the hardware, the inherent phase shift, and the frequency response deviations. When the preamp is switched off, the plugin offers a cleaner and more linear sonic character than the original version. In addition, gain staging into the plugin behaves in a similar fashion to hitting the original unit at different input levels, which is why Ruby comes with an "input trim" control. This allows for one-knob internal gain control by means of hidden linked input and output gain stages.